simple_goto ( dest ) # Send a new target every two seconds # For a complete implementation of follow me you'd want adjust this delay time. longitude, altitude ) print ( "Going to: %s " % dest ) # A better implementation would only send new waypoints if the position had changed significantly vehicle. LATLON_SET ) != 0 : altitude = 30 # in meters dest = LocationGlobalRelative ( gpsd. name != "GUIDED" : print ( "User has changed flight modes - aborting follow-me" ) break # Read the GPS state from the laptop next ( gpsd ) # Once we have a valid location (see gpsd documentation) we can start moving our vehicle around if ( gpsd. WATCH_ENABLE ) #Arm and take off to altitude of 5 meters arm_and_takeoff ( 5 ) while True : if vehicle. sleep ( 1 ) try : # Use the python gps package to access the laptop GPS gpsd = gps. print ( "Reached target altitude" ) break time. alt >= aTargetAltitude * 0.95 : #Trigger just below target alt. while True : print ( " Altitude: ", vehicle. simple_takeoff ( aTargetAltitude ) # Take off to target altitude # Wait until the vehicle reaches a safe height before processing the goto (otherwise the command # after Vehicle.simple_takeoff will execute immediately). sleep ( 1 ) print ( "Taking off!" ) vehicle. armed : print ( " Waiting for arming." ) time.
sleep ( 1 ) print ( "Arming motors" ) # Copter should arm in GUIDED mode vehicle. is_armable : print ( " Waiting for vehicle to initialise." ) time. """ print ( "Basic pre-arm checks" ) # Don't let the user try to arm until autopilot is ready while not vehicle. connection_string () # Connect to the Vehicle print ( 'Connecting to vehicle on: %s ' % connection_string ) vehicle = connect ( connection_string, wait_ready = True, timeout = 300 ) def arm_and_takeoff ( aTargetAltitude ): """ Arms vehicle and fly to aTargetAltitude. start_default () connection_string = sitl. connect sitl = None #Start SITL if no connection string specified if not connection_string : import dronekit_sitl sitl = dronekit_sitl. If not specified, SITL automatically started and used." ) args = parser. add_argument ( '-connect', help = "vehicle connection target string. ArgumentParser ( description = 'Tracks GPS position of your computer (Linux only).' ) parser. Example documentation: """ from _future_ import print_function from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode, LocationGlobalRelative import gps import socket import time import sys #Set up option parsing to get connection string import argparse parser = argparse. When you want to stop follow-me, either change vehicle modes or type Ctrl+C to exit the script. This example uses the python gps package to read positions from a GPS attached to your laptop and sends a new vehicle.simple_goto command every two seconds to move the vehicle to the current point. followme - Tracks GPS position of your computer (Linux only).
error : print "Error: gpsd service does not seem to be running, plug in USB GPS or run" sys.
longitude, altitude ) print "Going to: %s " % dest # A better implementation would only send new waypoints if the position had changed significantly vehicle. next () # Once we have a valid location (see gpsd documentation) we can start moving our vehicle around if ( gpsd. name != "GUIDED" : print "User has changed flight modes - aborting follow-me" break # Read the GPS state from the laptop gpsd. WATCH_ENABLE ) #Arm and take off to an altitude of 5 meters arm_and_takeoff ( 5 ) while True : if vehicle. try : # Use the python gps package to access the laptop GPS gpsd = gps.